Clear code - Clear brand
- Clear Communication
The Tyrolean family construction business is international. We clarified
vision und code, transforming the brand and the company.
Frener Reifer builds the Apple Auditorium in 2018.
„As head of marketing, I'd been looking for a workshop
to clarify our strategy for the future for some time.
Since our generational shift was imminent,
it was all about clarifying our DNA.
What is the future code of our family business?
The direct transfer to the implementation phase was what really won me over.
We got off to a great start with the master plan and then went live and immediately.
revamped all our communication.“
Michael Purzer,
Head of Marketing and Sales, FRENER & REIFER GmbH
Survival in dynamic markets
Sometimes company founders are skeptical,
when the younger generation suggests something new.
This is understandable from their point of view.
On the other hand, it's about more than successful company successions.
It's about survival in dynamic markets.