bionic fire
The world's cleanest oven
What new technology can achieve,
with the help of design and brand.
The truth about innovation: three out of four innovations flop in the first year.
That doesn't have to be the case if you look at new things a bit differently.
Because innovation today means more than just technology.
The key to success:
1. A clear code
for product, design und brand
2. Innovative names
for innovative products
Insider know-how:
The starting point is modern „eco-semantics“. We have become aware of terms such as
"bionic" and "hybrid" through the media. They imply environmental responsibility
and a connection to biology.
Bionics eludes to technology derived from nature.
The name is unusual and memorable and it just sounds eco-friendly.
3. Design create added value
What does innovation look like in today's world?
Insider know-how:
The product coding alludes to well-known signs in the LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) segment.
The design plays off other popular LOHAS artifacts such as the iPhone
and uses, in this case, real concrete to impart further authenticity.
The design language is tidy, intelligently clear and sleek with a user-friendly interface.
4. Branding and a dynamic sign system
Which signs does the new brand send?
Insider know-how:
Contrary to the image of the classic black stove, the aesthetics here are bright,
clear and pure, with a look that implies modernity and intelligence.
The lime green color further highlights the image of environmentally friendly and clean.
The underlying technology is revealed using straightforward infographics,
which show the patented automatic changeover system in a cross-sectional diagram.
5. Strategic brand management:
Create a complete brand world through storytelling
the fire
The term "fire irons" is a bit nebulous.
But what if you had just one tool that could do everything?
The bionic hook is a universal tool for tending fires.
Cast from a single piece, the curvature of the claw
allows for perfect handling: pushing, pulling, turning.
And then just stow it in the convenient lava cube.
Conclusion: Successful innovation is hard work.
Our view is that added value in innovation
is only generated through brand and design.
Do you want to successfully launch an innovation onto the market?
Benefit from my wealth of experience.
And avoid frequent mistakes that cost time and money.