Keynotes, that show how it can be done differently
How do you get into people's heads?
Through their hearts.
Experiences that awaken feelings are perceived symbolically through our senses.
But often everything is done as it always has been:
The same decoration, the same catering, the same speeches.
If you are courageous, we "code" it new and differently.
FECO FEEDERLE, Karlsruhe, Germany
Working worlds of tomorrow
How do we code future spaces?
Spark breakfast. An exciting topic, very well attended. More inspirational than a normal lecture. Live demonstrations at the new 70-inch surface hub and introduction to modern office codes. The spark ignites: Old rooms - old thinking. The other format leads to new thinking.
Selected Content
Spaces create the reality of how we will work tomorrow
Workplace design was yesterday? How to meaningfully code a room?
How cultural spirit is created by feel-good environments

„I am positively surprised. A great experience.
A fire of enthusiasm was lit in the team.
Very inspiring.“
Richard Einstmann,
Managing Director Bechtle IT-Systemhaus Karlsruhe,
President Marketing-Club Karlsruhe e.V.
Mercedes-Benz Museum, Stuttgart
Future of the brand
Dinner. After the trade fair, managing directors and entrepreneurs meet in the brand temple of Mercedes-Benz history. This is followed by refreshing infotainment. Gerdum Enders shows you the new logic of modern brand managemet. Mental input for the following networking session.
Selected Content
Why modern markets function as sign systems today
How to clarify your own brand code and update it evolutionarily
Three case studies: How successful companies use dynamics
„What a cool lecture! New thinking in brand management:
Strategy and implementation. Visionary, convincing.“
Stefan Witte,
Head of Brand Identity Mercedes Benz
MT MELSUNGEN, Handball Bundesliga
Brainball - 3.500 raw ideas in 60 minutes
Sometimes completely different lectures are just the think: Open Innovation for a Handball Bundesliga club. Short lecture and then onto the court. Motivating fans and players alike. Think differently, push ideas and pick up the audience. 60 minutes at full throttle.
Selected Content
Understanding dynaic branding using an "experience Parcours"
10 ways to solve thinking blocks
How a change in perspective leads to new ideas

„Gerdum Enders is very important to us.
Sometimes he has these ideas, and you think to yourself,
he can't be serious.
But he always means it.“
Axel Geerken,
Member of the Board & Director MT Spielbetriebs- und Marketing AG