Think different, act different.
With his inspiring lectures and lively personality
Gerdum Enders sparks fresh thinking.
Spirit and strength are united.
Keynotes, practical examples, experiences.
Visually and currently mixed, he proves how new and different things can be.
He brings you exiting and uncommon knowledge.
That everyone can put into use right away.
Why use Gerdum Enders as a speaker?
Gerdum Enders offers lectures in an easily understandable, clear visual language,
dissolve stale patterns of thinking, spark new ideas discover fresh perspectives
on the brand and corporate management of the future.
Scientific infotainment: Simple understanding of the complex
Participative: participants will learn to think in terms of signs
Passionate: Every lecture is different
His claim: "Events are individually and inspiringly coded"
Change perspectives,
understand connections.

„Rethink the familiar. This is one way to describe Prof. Enders' lecture style.
Inspiring, close to daily experience and profound. His thesis: Everything is coded.
You can definitely use this in your day-to-day business.“
Thomas Weber,
Managing Director EAM GmbH & Co. KG
„Your lecture was great.
I felt very inspired by you and now pay more attention to signs I send out.
Thanks so much for being with us and sharing your knowledge.“
Marko Miosic,
Owner MM Media-Engineering & Consulting,
Board member Baupiraten e.V.

"Refreshingly different and inspiring! This is what Prof. Enders' lectures are known for.
Excellent content, very entertaining lecture style and well communicated all the way through.
From the pink BMW, to the sign researcher smocks to the shoes. Thank you very much"
Alexandra Macha
Head of Marketing Hübner GmbH & Co. KG
„Refreshingly different and new.
Great to listen to.
Someting realy special.
Everyone took something away from this.
All the guests came back and thanked us.“
Stephan Pflumm,
Senior Project Manager
PHOENIX Real Estate Development GmbH

"Compared to previous years, this was incredibly enriching and raised the event in Andalusia
to a new level"
Kristina Bacht
Publishing Director BKT, AIT mbH
„Really cool lecture with great content.“
Stefan Seitz,
Head of global Marketing & Brand
Josera Petfood GmbH & Co. KG