New Work Experience:
Welcome to CODE LAB, over the rooftops of Kassel!
Managing Directors, Marketing Experts, Entrepreneurs and Visionaries
will experience a whole new atmosphere for thought.
Moderation and Sparring also available upon request.
„A penthouse loft in the center of art metropolis Kassel,
calm, motivating, uncomplicated with a charming host“
Udo Walter,
Managing Director Patisserie Walter GmbH

The ideal location for:
Open exchange of ideas & constructive sparring
You are currently considering a revitalization, a transformation and innovation.
We deliver valuable food for thought, beyond the mainstream.
Test out New Work testen & Team Experience
Moderation in a fresh atmosphere, shift your perspective as a unit:
You come in with your team - we'll work using the CODE METHOD.
After-work Events & [Zero] Drinks
Get some time outside your own company.
Stay curious.
„A different spirit, rooms that will surprise and refresh the mind.
Laid back, relaxed atmosphere, lots of suggestions
and an inspiring method.
It's good to think new and different.“
RA Jürgen Kümpel,
Managing Director of the Employers' Association of Hessen